These Giant Godzillas were made by Marusan. They are each about 15 inches tall and use the sculpt from the first godzilla vinyl ever made. You need a large display area to show these monsters in all of their glory. (I just realized that I should have provided a standard size figure in one of the pics for scale.)
The blue guy in the middle was a Japanese issue, though available for a while through Marusan-USA. The other 4 are all glow-in-the-dark vinyl. All of them have really nice paint, including metallic colors, particularly on the spines. I am not exactly sure on the edition numbers for the non-GID blue, but believe that all 4 of the GID versions were limited to 50 each worldwide and offered as exclusives by Super7 (either through the magazine as a subscriber exclusive, the website, or at San Diego Comic Con).
Oh, yeah! The Giant Hedorah by Marusan snuck into one of the pictures here too. This guy is even taller than the Godzillas! More on him later.
As far as I know, all of these figures except the orange Meltdown version are sold out (the Meltdown is still available from Super7 as of this date).
As with anything I post here, I would welcome comments, corrections, suggestions, etc., and in particular would welcome more information about any of the figures. The idea is to inform others interested in these figures.
Photos © 2006 Geozilla Omni-Monster. All rights reserved.
I never realized there were so many versions of this new giant size...is this all of them Geo?
The brown and blue solids are my favorite...I bet any of these are hard to come by now! Nice set that could really be the center piece of a collection, wait the Gogas would be battling pretty hard for that spot! HA!
As far as I know, this is all of the giants issued so far. They are really nice pieces! I just don't have any place large enough to display them right now. Maybe when I build my new cabin in the woods on Lake Michigan? A nice big shelf with natural light coming through a huge skylight... Am I dreaming? I hope not!
Yes, I have a similar dream of rescuing my collection from the attic and giving them a real home in my dream studio! If I could only get the green light for my cartoons! HA!
Any suggestions were to locate the solid blue and brown giant reissues Geo? I have searched and searched with no luck!
Onibaba: I have sent some ideas your way via email.
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