Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Blog To Facilitate Sale

I have set up a new blog to facilitate the sale of my collection, including kaiju and non-kaiju vinyl figures and also graphic art (e.g., Tim Biskup).

You can visit my new ModPopShop blog here.

Or follow along on my Flickr page.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sale Coming Up. Watch This Space!

I am planning on selling off most of my vinyl (and resin) toy collection, including custom figures and other limited edition figures. I will be posting notices here, or on another yet to be created blog, but either way I will let you know here first. Details will be forthcoming... I will respond to any inquiries in the meantime as time permits. If you don't hear back right away, it probably just means I am busy doing other things.


(Picture is  for purposes of illustration only. Item not necessarily for sale. I just hate posting without a picture. Again, details about what I will be selling will be forthcoming as I make decisions about particular figures.)